Where to rent a car in Korčula?
In Korčula we offer two locations for car pickup ( Korčula Domince and Korcula City/Port).Korčula Domince is our direct office, if you arrive from Orebic then you should select Korcula Domince. Office is located in Port of Domince
Korcula City/Port is NOT direct office but we deliver cars from Domince to City Center in Korcula. If you arrive from Split or Dubrovnik then you should select Korcula City/Port. Delivery Service costs 10/20 Eur if you want to pickup the car in Korcula City and 10/20 Eur if you want to return the car in Korcula City.
If you select Korcula City/Port, our officer will contact you via Whatsapp or email to arrange delivery time, and car will be delivered in front of your ferry.
Korčula Domince is our direct office, so if you arrive from Orebic then you should select Korcula Domince. Office is located in Port of Domince